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Hey girl! It's time to examine your BOOBS!!

Hey girl! Examine yours BOOBS!!

Greeting everyone! I am Jia Yen and I am a student nurse =)

I been practice to teaches patients in hospital and mother to do Breast Self Examination in hospital. And 2 weeks after , I will post to labor room and nursery!! I can't wait to be posted there!

So now I going to share some information about BREAST CANCER! I wish you can enjoy reading it!!

For children what does October means? October means Children's Day for them =)

How about for female?
Mark on your calendar if you have no idea of it! =)

is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

It is an annual international health campaign organized by major charities to

i) Increase awareness of the disease among people

ii) Raise funds for research on its, such as cause, prevention, treatment & cure.

Pink ribbon was chosen as international symbol of breast cancer awareness.

And WOOPZ&BIKINIS MALAYSIA had running a project which is WOOPZ BOOBS to awake people awareness!!

had share out this poster to teaches women how to do breast self examination.

1. A woman in Malaysia has a 1 in 20 chance of getting breast cancer in her lifetime.

2. It is more common among Chinese then follow by Indians and Malays

Chinese women: 1 in 16 lifetime risk
Indian women: 1 in 16 lifetime risk
Malay women: 1 in 28 lifetime risk

3. Although incidence rates in Malaysia are lower than other Western country but the the incidence is rising rapidly.

4. Breast cancer is second leading cause of cancer death after lung cancer. And every year 21000 new cases has been diagnose!


Answer those question below see how much you know about BREAST CANCER.

1. Do you know what is BREAST CANCER?

2. Any male been diagnose with BREAST CANCER?

3. Do you know among which ages will have higher risk to develop BREAST CANCER?

4. Do you know when is the best time to do Brest Self Examination? (BSE)

5. Taking contraceptive pills will have higher risk to develop BREAST CANCER?

6. How to prevent and detect it early signs and symptoms?

You can find out the answer from the explanation below=) check it out!

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in one or both of the breasts and usually develops in the milk-producing areas of the breast (the ducts or lobules) Tight fitting or underwire bra doesn't cause Breast Cancer!

Why breast cancer can occur in male?

Although male have less breast tissues but they do have breast cells that may undergo cancerous changes that cause BREAST CANCER.

So everyone have risk in developing BREAST CANCER but female is in higher risk than male.

Who have higher risk to have BREAST CANCER?

For female above 55 years old
Taking contraceptive pills
Hormone replacement therapy
Early menarche (first menstrual before 13years old)
Late menopause. (end of menstrual after 55years old)
For male above 60 years old
Family history of Breast cancer.
Smoker and alcohol consumption
Previous or current history of breast cancer
Obesity (BMI =30/ more)
High fat diet

** = female
** = male

How to prevent BREAST CANCER?

Balance diet
Stop taking contraceptive pills or hormone replacement therapy or take with doctor prescription.
Maintain healthy weight
Avoid smoking and drink alcohol
Regular exercise and get enough rest for your body.
breast feed your child ( it can reduce your risk from getting BREAST CANCER)

The most effective way to prevent BREAST CANCER is to reduce the risk but some patient was diagnose although without any family history or not
in the high risk groups.

What is the signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer?

- palpable lump or mass
- abnormal discharge
- tenderness
- swelling of lymph nodes

- rashes or erosion on breasts

- orange peau skin

- hardening
- painless lump
- asymmetry of breasts size

There is some screening method to detect early signs of breast cancer.


Breast Self Examination is a simple examination with few simple steps. This can be perform by yourself at home to feel any abnormalities of your breasts or underarm.


Clinical Breast Examination is examination done by nurse or doctor.


Mammogram is X-ray of the breast. It is the best method to detect breast cancer early because it shows clear picture of your breasts and treat it before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms. Female above 40 years old should obtain mammogram regularly.



Before perform BREAST SELF EXAMINATION make sure you have DONE YOUR CHECKLIST before examine your BOOBS!

CHECKLIST before examine your BOOBS!

Wash your hand
Make sure your nails are short (Don't hurt yourself! =) )
In a room you feel comfortable and privacy.( You can play music to make yourself comfortable)
After a week of menstrual (7-10 days after period because it's the best time to examine any abnormalities of breasts and underarm.)
Pick a day from a calendar every month (For menopause women)

Perform BREAST SELF EXAMINATION with aids of a mirror.

First, take OFF your clothes and bra =)

Then, stand in front of a mirror.

After that, relax your arms at your sides

Look for any abnormalities such as:

♥ Changes of size of breasts? ( enlarge? swelling?)
♥ Any rashes, erosion or skin color change?
♥ Nipple condition ( Is it inverted? dimpling? color changes? )
♥ Any nipple discharge? (Is it blood? fluid?)

Then, don't forget to observe your breasts from sides

♥ Look for your breasts is it symmetry?
♥ Any rashes, erosion or skin color changes?
♥ Any size changes?

Next, clasp your hands behind your head

Press hand forward and look for

♥ Any changes of shape or contour of breasts.

Continue checking by put your hands on your hips and slightly lean forward your shoulders

Observe your breasts any abnormalities such as the picture show below =)

Now, we going to start how to feel!

Feel it with 3 finger pads!

Reminder *Don't feel your breasts with fingertips!!! Feel it with your finger pads! *

So now you can palpate your breasts either sitting, standing or lying!

If you want to do BSE in sitting or standing position

-put one of your hand behind your head & make yourself comfortable!

If you want to palpate with lying position

- put one of your hand behind your head and put a pillow or towel under your shoulder to make yourself comfortable.

You have 3 method to palpate your BOOBS!

First method A. CIRCLE

Move your finger pads in small circular motion about the size of 20 cent.

Then, start to palpate your breast from the axillary to the outer edge of your breast gently and slow.

After the first circle, move your finger to palpate second circle

Until the nipple.

Check your BOOBS from collarbone above your breast down to the ribs below your breast

Feel for

♥ any lump? or palpable mass?
♥ hard knot? or thickening?
♥ swelling of armpit? (swelling because of breast cancer involving lymph nodes )

At last, squeeze your nipple gently to observe any discharge from nipple.

Don't forget to repeat those steps and perform on your other breast!

Second method: VERTICAL ( UP & DOWN LINE)

Remain your hand behind your head and start to palpate in a vertical motion by finger pads

Feel for

♥ any palpable lump or mass?
♥ Any thickening or hard knot?
♥ swelling of armpit?

Repeat those steps on your other breast by put other hand behind your head and support your shoulder with a pillow

Third method: WEDGES

Examine your breast in wedges motion from nipple to edge of breast.

Make sure you had feel for the entire axillary area that have lot of lymph vessels.

Feel for

♥ any palpable lump or mass?
♥ Any thickening or hard knot?
♥ swelling of armpit?

Repeat those steps on your other breast =)

Position your other hand to support your head and put a pillow under your arm to support your shoulder.

The most area that breast cancer occur:

Upper outer quadrant 50% ( the area where Breast Cancer most likely to occurs)

Around nipples 18%)

Upper Inner quadrant 15%

Lower Outer quadrant 11%

Lower Inner quadrant 6%

*Upper outer quandrant is the area where breast cancer most likely to occur because it rich with lymph nodes.*

IF you felt a mass or lump on your breast or signs and symptoms of breast cancer and do not solve over a period of time

Don't panic!!

What you have to do is:

1. Stay calm and don't panic( not all lump are cancerous)

2. Palpate again to identify the location of the mass

3. identify any other abnormalities of your breasts.

4. See Doctor for further investigation
. (Doctor may suggest you to do Mammogram)

Additional Information About BREAST CANCER


Male breast cancer makes up less than 1 percent of all cases of breast cancer So share your information with your guys friends aware of BREAST CANCER also because male also have risk to have breast cancer!


Don't be scare by the title BREAST CANCER! Early detection have higher rate to be cure and fully recover from breast cancer!

Celebrities with Breast Cancer

Christina Applegate, who underwent treatment for Breast Cancer. She has done a double mastectomy in 2008 and since then she recovered and was declared 100 percent clear in August of 2008! She is survivor from Breast Cancer.

Giuliana Rancic, who also a reality star has been diagnose Breast Cancer and she shows positive to her disease and undergone radiotherapy for her treatment.

Both of them also support in Breast Cancer Awareness Month Campaign to help people aware of Breast Cancer!!

Supportive group for Breast Cancer

For more clear information, you may look for those website to get more information.

Breast Cancer Wellfare Association Malaysia

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month




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Keep your BOOBS health and pretty!!!

2 评论:

domokun 说...

haha thankiu :)

luv3 u D3ar.. 说...

Good information you have! Step by step more clear than other blog providing the information!
